The thinker, the wise man, is placed at the frontier of his certainties and opens to the other. The dialogue allows doubt to take over, a possible stimulus that comes from the other and which disturbs and overturns the certainties. It demands honesty and contributes to deepening the identity.
If the main orientation is to promote human dignity in its two dimensions - material and spiritual, then we can distinguish three stages in the task to be performed.
This study (theoretical work), aims at devising concrete solutions (practical work) and the promotion of cultural and artistic creation (poetic and contemplative work).
- To explore the fundamental anthropological questions: life and death, good and evil, love and pain, truth and falsehood, transcendence and immanence, meaning of the world, the finite and the infinite, that which is out of the world and that which is sacred, art, the breath, the presence of God in man, the Eclipse and the withdrawal of God, belief and faith ...
- To deepen the philosophical notions of belief and knowledge, of what is rational and what is reasonable, to advance in the dialogue between faith and reason. What can we think and believe? What does it mean to be a believer, agnostic, atheist?
- Find a synthesis and a precursory and profound dialogue between the spirit of enlightenment, secularism and faith. Recognize the genuine achievements of the age of enlightenment. The presence of secularity does not imply a separation or opposition between culture and faith. Here there is an anomaly that must be overcome. What is needed is to find the path of dialogue, to integrate faith and modern rationality in an unified anthropological vision .
- Reflect on reasons for believing and not believing, study the space of the spirituality for unbelievers.
- Enriching the vision of Human Sciences on the religious question, about Christianity in Western culture and its representations.
- Overcome the limits of pure rationalism in the understanding of different cultures, recognizing within the tension towards the transcendent one of the essential dimensions of existence.
- As questions about common roots. Are they universal values? Are they values that can be universalized?
- Observe the ethical implications and issues related to technology, economics, and capitalism.
- Addressing the theme of freedom and solidarity in terms of a personal, social and political view.
- Pay attention to two challenges of modernity: full humanization of education and medicine.
- Take up concrete and common tasks for peace, justice, respect for diversity, the protection of nature, and the fight against fundamentalism.
- Find new terms to pronounce concepts such as mystery, beauty, love, art.
- Respect the spaces of silence to favour listening together
- Unite against the rise of fundamentalism, sectarian deviations, ideological violence that have been sustained: supervise together, listen and be philosophers in search of wisdom.
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