Front cover of the review "Latinitas"
The Pontifical Academy Latinitatis publishes a review Latinitas. It is available from
Instituted by His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI with the Apostolic Letter Motu Proprio “Latina Lingua” of 10 November 2012, the Academy has the task of “supporting the commitment for a greater awareness and more competent use of Latin, in the ecclesial area and in wider culture” (Latina Lingua, 4).
Knowledge of Latin is important today for the study of sources of many ecclesiastical disciplines, such as, for example Theology, Liturgy, Patristics and Canon Law.
The Pontifical Academy of Latin incentivises the use of study methods apt for today's people and promotes a network of support between formation institutions and academic institutions, with a view to making the most of the patrimony of Latin civilisation.
Front cover of the review "Latinitas"
The Pontifical Academy Latinitatis publishes a review Latinitas. It is available from
Sede: Via della Conciliazione 5, 00120 Città del Vaticano