Cellular Horizons
Cellular horizons
An International Conference on the Progress of Regenerative Medicine and its Cultural Impact, in The Vatican, April 28 - 30, 2016.
This exclusive international event gathered the world’s leading cell therapy scientists, physicians, patients, ethicists and leaders of faith, government and philanthropy to discuss the latest cellular therapy breakthroughs and hope for the future.
Moderated by renowned journalists and broadcasted around the world, the 2016 event had a unique focus on pediatric cancers and rare genetic diseases, as well as diseases that occur with aging.
It explored the future and how science, technology, information and communication allow us to personalize medical solutions to remove inefficiencies, thereby reducing costs to eliminate unnecessary care, increase access and affordability, and improve clinical outcomes at an individual level.
Quick link to programme.
For further info click through here: http://celltherapyconference2016.com/
The address of the Holy Father to the participants.