Conference on Pastoral Care in Catholic Universities “Towards A Polyhedric Vision”

Vatican City, 23-24 November 2023


The Catholic universities, born ex corde Ecclesiae, are at the service of her mission in the forms proper to the world of universities, by means of research, teaching and influence on society. The guardians and beating heart of this mission of evangelization, which pertains to the whole university community, are university pastoral services and chaplains, in the diversity of their structures and methods.

We are at a crossroads in history, where we must reinforce our programs of university pastoral care with new methods and emphases, thereby rendering them open to what is new and to the demands of today’s cultural circumstances –that is to say, in a polyhedral way. We also need to recreate an international network of university pastoral care, at the service of a new form of solidarity among our institutions.

For this reason a meeting is called of those in charge of university pastoral care and of university chaplains of Catholic universities, to take place in Rome on 23 and 24 November 2023. This will be an occasion for analyzing and reflecting on the aim and mission of university pastoral care; and it will also be a time for listening to what is happening in your own situation and for sharing best practices in this field.



Read the event program:
